Fixed turn order, the OG, no-nonsense way to structure gameplay. It's simple, it's classic, and it's been getting it done since before time existed.
If you’re asking yourself what fixed turn order is then I hate it to break the news to you, it’s exactly what it sounds like. You set the turn order at the start, and that's how it stays until someone wins or you all get bored and quit. Player 1 goes, then Player 2, then Player 3, and so on. Rinse and repeat until the game's over. It's not rocket science.
The good thing about Fixed Turn Order is that it’s dead simple. Even the slowest of us can follow those rules. You always know when your turn is coming…unless you’re that guy on your phone. There’s no surprises here.
The bad? First player advantage is a real thing and you better be ready to deal with it as a designer. Some players can easily get screwed if the game ends before they get an equal number of turns. Some games that handle this well are Wingspan and Mystic Vale.
Some people may find this style too played out and might find it boring. Sign of the times. I mean if you’re last in a six player game then I could understand.
As a designer, I’m assuming you’re not an idiot. You probably already have a few ideas on how to balance this but I’m going to cover a few just in case it’s not clicking. Maybe throw some bones to the underdogs, give the last player some extra resources maybe. Quacks of Quedlinsburg does this well. Maybe do it the Wingspan way and add what I call an “Equal Turns Token”. It’s just a little marker that says, “Hey, dummy, remember who went first so everyone gets the same number of turns.” Some games have an “Oh Sh*t Trigger”, totally trademarked. When a player triggers the ending, everyone gets one last go to finish things up.
I don’t need to list a bunch of games that use this method since its the dominant turn order mechanic but the bottom line is this, Fixed Turn Order is like that old pair of jeans you can't throw away. It's comfortable and it gets the job done. Love it or hate it, it's not going anywhere. So suck it up, wait your turn, and maybe next time you'll be Player 1.
Now go forth and play, you beautiful board game anarchists.